Visualisation on how FlowFields work (C++) custom framework
What are FlowFields
The term FlowFields is used for both physics and pathfinding. In physics it is the distribution of the density and velocity of a fluid over space and time. While in pathfinding it is used to guide crowds to a goal. They can also be called vector fields since each node points, with a vector, towards their neighbour node that is closest to the goal node. When a unit moves over the node, they are given the vector that this node has, this is used to influence the velocity of the agent. This field also takes into account obstacles and checks if it flows through it or flows around the obstacle like water.
My contributions
Searching AI
Cell creation
Cost calculating algorithm
Breath first distance calculation algorithm
Combining both algorithms to give the optimal path
Credits to Matthieu Delaere and Thomas Goussaert, for writing the base framework files (math library, SDL window, AI topics).
Credits to Andries Geens and Yosha Vandaele for guiding the project and teaching related topics.